Let's Talk!

Please contact us for more details or to discuss your goals. 

"The way you pushed me out of my comfort zone, held me accountable, and helped unpack issues have all culminated to where I am now. You did a hell of a job with me in a relatively short amount of time. You're gifted!"

Brian Wellman
Organizational Health Manager and Triathlete

Frequently Asked Questions

Rates, what to expect during the sample session, and preferred method of coaching. Contact us with any other questions. [email protected]

We will talk by phone for about 30-40 minutes.

This exploratory coaching session is an honest and strictly confidential conversation. Compared with talking "about" coaching, it's a much more effective way of really "getting" what the process can provide and discovering how our personalities blend. 

In coaching, you won't just talk - you'll take action.

So, yes, there is homework each week designed to move you closer toward your goals.

After our sample session, I'll ask you to follow through with homework and check in when you've completed it. You'll have up to one week to do so.  At that time, I'll invite you to officially become a client since I only coach people willing to take action.   

In other words, there is no pressure or "hard sell" at the end of the sample session since we both need to see if the call inspires you into action after we hang up the phone.

$1950 for 6 private coaching calls (55 mins each) plus email check-ins.  Payment plans are available. 

Sessions are conducted by phone and even though I am based in Texas, I have clients all over the world! You will also receive priority email access, which means you'll be able to email me to check in with updates or quickly address an issue you are facing. This is very valuable, especially if you like to process thoughts in writing. 

Coaching is an investment that will last a lifetime. Many of my clients focus on topics that increase their income in addition to their level of happiness and fulfillment.


Hiring Kristin was the smartest money I ever spent. If you look at it only from a financial standpoint, I make more than double what I did in my old career. I'm doing something I love to do in a way that I love doing it. I have a new career that I'm much happier in and I feel less stressed which has impacted my whole family. - Mike Towle

Coaching by phone is the preferred method, of most professional coaches, since it allows us to tune out other distractions and deeply hear what you are saying and thinking. It's also more efficient since you are free to coach from your office, home, while traveling or even in your car (during a lunch break, for example). You're also free to choose a coach in another state or country, which radically improves your options!

As an ICF credentialed coach, I abide by a code of ethics so all of our sessions will be confidential.

If you'd prefer to coach in person, reach out for rates and availability. I only offer full day coaching options for you or your team. 

When hiring a coach, you need to look for three things:

  • Coach training and certification from the International Coach Federation (ICF). -  This is the best way to authenticate the coach is trained to support you with your goals. ICF certified coaches abide by a code of ethics, which includes strict confidentiality between client and coach. There are 3 levels of certifications. The top coaches are classified as MCC - Master Certified Coach. For more information about the 3 levels, see below. Hiring a coach with more experience and skill may save you time and money since they can typically get results in a much shorter period of time and with fewer sessions. 
  • Chemistry - Once you've established the coach you're considering is properly trained to bring out your best, arrange a sample session to see if you mesh well. 
  • Results - Most coaches feature brief testimonials on their website. Dig deeper and ask the coach to share client stories and results achieved. 

What Qualifies Me To Coach People:

  • Full time professional coach since 1999
  • B.A. Psychology from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas
  • Graduate of two year coach training program - Coach University/Coach Inc.
  • Professional training in Positive Neuroplasticity 
  • Master Certified Coach credential from the International Coaching Federation (ICF) - rigorous process and evaluation of coaching style, client hours, training and satisfaction from previous clients. Currently awarded to only 1% of my colleagues.
  • Previous career as Execuitve Recruiter and business owner
  • Direct, energetic, and warm personality
  • Results - of course!  

The 3 Levels of Credentials From The International Coach Federation:

Associate Certified Coach (ACC)

60 hours of coach specific training
250 hours of coaching experience with clients
Satisfactory completion of oral exam
Agreement to adhere to the Code of Ethics as outlined by the ICF

Professional Certified Coach (PCC)

125 hours of coach specific training
750 hours of coaching experience with clients
Satisfactory completion of written and oral exam
Agreement to adhere to the Code of Ethics as outlined by the ICF
Continued professional development to renew credential every three years

Master Certified Coach (MCC)

200 hours of coach specific training ( ** I take 5 hours+ of new training every month.)
2500 hours of coaching experience with clients  (** I currently have over 30,000 hours.)
Satisfactory completion of written and oral exam
Demonstrated leadership within the profession
Agreement to adhere to the Code of Ethics as outlined by the ICF
Continued professional development to renew credential every three years

Inner Circle will help you to stay on track and reach your goals. The investment is $275/month. 

We will primarily 'speak' via weekly emails. The main intention of this program is to keep you focused, inspired, and accountable all year long. 

We'll start the year getting clear about your goals and strategy for 2024.  Then, you'll complete a weekly focus form to update me on your progress or any challenges. I will personally respond (by email) with feedback, coaching and observations - every week. (4 weeks per month)

INNER CIRCLE info and sign-up.

"I always feel incredibly energized after speaking with Kristin.  She knows exactly what to ask and where to go with our sessions. That level of expertise is extremely valuable. "

 Linda Formichelli 
Writer, Author, Awesome Mom

"When I contacted Kristin, I had something specific to work on and a deadline by which to accomplish it. Kristin met me where I was. During our introductory call, before we were even officially working together, she provided valuable advice that set me on the right path. She was able to go deep, right to the root of the matter, and help me make some meaningful tweaks immediately. Since working with Kristin, I have been referring her to other friends. That is the strongest endorsement I can make for Kristin's coaching services."

Sondra Harris
PR Strategist

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